Today we will make a small figurine in Hasslefree, very nice site, good delivery system and very cool people! :) This is a figure I've painted quite quickly, but it will probably introduce you to some common techniques and colors not so common! ;) On photo of each step, you also will found the photo of each color used. Except when the color is rare or special, I would not mention it's name.
First, I start with a base paint in several layers of Tau Light Ochre, about 5 to have a uniform base (sorry, I've forget the photo for this step, the mini is the one of the next one ><).
The first lights on a zenithal extended mode.
Lights further on the most sun-exposed areas.
With sepia ink (Colorex) I spend a thin layer, then I refine it with a wet brush (see my tutorial HERE on Colorex inks).
Details come next. Dark red for the drapery, hairs in the base color of the skin, cuted with ice blue, red ink on the tips of the hair to create a gradient of "blond vénitien".
The final light on the drapery, red and orange in a melted.
The final result.
Soon, the girl will be in a diorama I sculpted, but not painted yet!
See you!
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